Strenghtening the Public Procurement System in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Project details
Sectors Democracy and governance
EU Acquis Chapters Public procurement
EU funds 1 939 500 €
Implementation period 2019 - 2024
  •  Climate action ;
  •  Civil society;
  •  Gender ;
  •  Digital

(Mouse hover to see significance)

Public Procurement is an important area in the EU where there is clear acquis that needs to be transposed in BiH, which is a candidate member state. It is one of the negotiating chapter (Chapter 5) and will be a cornerstone of the EU's opinion on BiH's membership application since it is important for the internal market of the EU, where level playing field must be ensured for all economic actors. A transparent and efficient Public Procurement system can improve public services and infrastructure, boost innovation and drive prosperity. It ensures the services, all citizens rely on, are contracted based on value-for-money and render high-quality outcomes. Such a system ensures an effective cooperation between the public and private sectors. Strengthened capacities of all public officials entrusted with public procurement responsibilities will lead to further professionalization in the sector and ultimately deliver value for all. Tenders will improve and the economic operators will bid responsibly and walk away from practices not abiding with free competition. The overall objective of the project is to increase the efficiency, effectiveness, and transparency of the Public Procurement System in Bosnia and Herzegovina in accordance with EU standards. More specifically the project aims to enhance the capacities of public procurement staff at all levels of government and modernise the legislative framework of the public procurement system.
Implementation of this project will result in: - The expertise level of Public Procurement Officers at all level in BiH, including public companies, schools, universities, in running procurement procedures according to EU standards should be enhanced. - The foundations for the national training system for public procurement officers should be strengthened. - Existing operational instruments and tools (guidelines, manuals, standard documents) should be upgraded, and new ones should be developed if necessary. - The legislative framework of the public procurement system should be further harmonised towards the 2014 Directives.

Government level color legend

  • Fully funded project on only one level/location:
  • Partially funded project on multiple levels/locations:
Project is implemented at state level in: