With the European Union funding, this project had significant impact on better environmental protection, more sustainable use of natural resources and creation of alternative employment. We increased knowledge and understanding about green jobs and their potential in BiH, including improved public awareness and dialogue about green jobs in BiH. In that respect, the Study on potentials for creating “green jobs” in B&H including inventory list of main players, resources and regions in B&H for creating "green jobs" is produced and made available to public (www.gea.ba ) as well as the Guidebook/Guidelines about Medical and Aromatic Plants (MAP) farming and cultivation techniques that is distributed to new or existing farmers in BiH. In that way, the project also developed the base for promoting policies and investment to achieve green workspaces. We increased local capacities for using sustainable agricultural practices by having 57 farmers in two BiH piloted municipalities (Bosanski Petrovac and Trebinje) trained in MAP cultivation. Also, the project trained farmers in establishing medicinal plant farms in line with organic farming standards and principles. Seeds are also provided and business matchmaking was supported so as to better connect individual producers with processing and MAP product distributing companies. In that way, we encouraged small businesses in cultivation, processing and marketing of medicinal plants. We also increased community participation in conservation, management and income generating programs by ensuring close dialogue with local stakeholders from appropriate levels via round tables and workshops held.
By such actions, we contributed to more income generation opportunities, more responsible environment treatment, reduced damage of wild medicinal species and enhanced conservation and to better promotion of the country's environmental protection and natural resources.